three years ago i was in a state of such despair. i tried to put how i felt into words. so i wrote what i guess you could call a poem. now i am no writer nor am i a poet, but here is the best way i could put into words how i felt. (three years later reading it these word still rang true in my heart, as i still remember how it felt to be porns slave!)
Eyes so young
Eyes so innocent
A life untouched
A life without bondage
It looks to and fro
It creeps back and forth
It sniffs and seeks for prey
It is trying to find its next victim
Without knowledge of what will happen
Without knowledge of how life will be changed
Without a care in the world
Without the bite of Death
It lays its trap
It waits for the right moment
It grins with delight in its finest work
Its name is the Death Leach
Simple hands and simple eyes
A simple touch of paper and ink
At that moment the hooks were set
The teeth are being sunk in, to never let go
It tastes the sweet blood of the innocent
It ravishes in the life of the taken
The Death Leach feeds again
It has taken another young life captive!
It felt so wrong! But the little hands could not put it down
The lies and secrets started from then on
These paged of colored ink would fade into others
All would entrance and entangle never letting go
The Death Leach would bring new things to drain the life faster
New things that would send the hooks deeper
The Death Leach over time trains its host to be clever
It makes a dungeon with steel door and lock hiding its host forever
Life went on but no one knew the darkness that surrounded
Words could not be spoken from the darkness
Many fights were fought to trying and get out
None were able to brake the locks and be set free
With amusement the Death Leach mocks
With amusement it chokes
With amusement it drains the life
With amusement the Death Leach enslaves another
Life looks so grim, like it will never be clear of this
Why are all the cries gone unheard
Why does life have to be enslaved to this killing thing
Life is no life when it is being drained if you find yourself saying "man i feel like that," or you can admit that you are additcted to porn, that you are a slave to sexual sin. please, please, check out and enroll in the free online course "way of purity." this is a bible based coures. they take biblical truth and brake it down in a way that helps you understand your need for repentance and a sold out heart for Jesus Christ. it shows you that only the grace of God through Jesus Christ is the only way you will find freedom from the addiction of sexual sin (including homosexuality, and masturbation). in fact if you are addicted to anything it is only the grace of God through Jesus Christ that will set you free!
i hope and pray that all who are enslaved by the devil will find freedom in Jesus name!