now that the stats are out of the way let me briefly tell the story. our day started out at 0130 when Chantal woke me up and said "honey.... i think i am in labor..." so i replied "well how bad are the contractions?" she said "i dont know... my back just is starting to hurt!!!!" i then said "huuuu" and when to sleep. well that didnt last to long before she woke me up again :-).... and this time i knew for sure it was real! we got our things together and headed off to the hospital. we knocked on the door of labor and delivery. when the midwife oped she just looked at us and said "oookkk come on in." (we were standing there with bags and excited faces. i think she just knew.) once she let us in she took us to the back room, because all of the normal rooms were full. of course we would have to pick the day when they didnt have any room for us :-)... so we were there for about 5 minutes the Chantal thought her water broke so i went and found the midwife to tell her. she came on back and examined Chantal and told her that she was 4 cm dilated. about two hrs passed when they checked her cervix again this time she was at an 8. great news for her... things were moving right along. we soon moved into the bath where Chantal dilated to 10. we moved into the birthing room (by now things had cleared out). it wasnt to much longer before Chantal gave birth to our beautiful boy. her total labor time was around 11 1/2 hrs. my wife is a real trooper she did the WHOLE THING WITHOUT DRUGS!!!! man there is no way i could have done that! i am really proud of her for doing just what she wanted to do (deliver the baby all naturally).
once the baby came out i got to see the miracle God talks about in Genies. when He talks about breathing the breath of life into Adam and Eve. when Ian first came out he was a grayish blue, and in an instant he took his first breath and came to life. he started to turn pink; and started to move. it was the most amazing thing i have ever seen!
i could write about this day forever. but i will restrain myself. (seeing as it is late and i am getting sleepy)..... so it is here that i will count my blessings: i thank God that he has given me a beautiful wife that had a healthy pregnancy, followed by a HUGE beautiful baby boy that is 100% healthy. I serve a wonderful God who has been the best Father to me, and i pray that i could come within 1% of His of what He has done for me..... thank you Jesus!
Congrats Nate! I am so happy for you and Chantal and I think that Ian is going to be one lucky little boy. I know the two of you will always see him as a joyous gift from God.
Hi Nate, I was so busy that I didn't drop by to congratulate you earlier on the birth of your little bundle of joy. Praise God!