i have been going way to fast for way to long. for what seems like weeks i have been doing military things. this last weekend i played in the ORE. i wrote about this the last time i had to play. and this time is no different. i dont like playing in them. they seem to go on forever and they seem to take away all my time.... so ORE's are defiantly a no go! but this is not what i want to write about today. about two days after our ORE my friend took his little boy to the hospital to get checked out. because the little boy has been acting different sense they moved here (about two months ago). well what they thought was going to be a simple doctors visit turned out to be a life changing event. the family found out that their 3 year old boy has Leukemia. if that is not bad enough let me add to the list. the little boy and his mom are being shipped out the States as soon as they can get him out. then his dad and little brother will follow. now that the boy has Leukemia the whole family has to move back to the states. which is no easy task. see when the Air Force moves (PCS) you over seas there is a lot that goes with that. they have to sell their car, take all the FMO stuff back, ship there other car out, etc. they have to pick up there whole lives (just as they were getting settled in) and move again. this is hard enough when one just finds out that their kid has Leukemia, but when you have a wife (that is 26 weeks pregnant) a 17 month old baby, and dog it seems to be that much more difficult.
so during your prayer time tonight please lift up my friends. out of respect for them i will not give out their names, but God knows just who you will be praying for. i mean He is the one who made them anyway.
Amen brother, my family is praying for them to hold steadfast and have faith that all things are for His Glory! SDK.